In order to offer our customers the best possible service, we have again added a new vibrator unit to our rental fleet: The 23 VM with 600 PP aggregate. We can’t wait to show you these machines and have a video to show you the unit in action in advance.
This vibrator unit has many features, for example:
1. it is suitable for use in urban areas and is suitable for vibration sensitive projects.
2. it has a cooling system with forced lubrication.
3. it is a high-frequency unit with variable static torque.
4. the draw yoke is reinforced, increasing the pull-down forces.
5. the 23VM is comparatively light in weight.
Are you curious about our vibrator unit and how it can benefit your project? Then feel free to contact one of our specialists, they will be happy to answer all your questions and maybe the next video we shoot will be of your project!